Midas Australia
Ripoff got rid of me in 2001 because I knew too much Victoria

Cars & Transport

I was one of the first that Midas Australia got rid of. We all knew something was wrong. The money for advertising was going in but we did not see any advertising. When you asked you got ignored or they threatened you with all sorts of ways to cancel your franchise agreement.

They made a nice bundle out of my shops after I was forced out and they were sending me lawyer letters after I was gone. I had to shut up or they would take me to Court.

I complained to the ACCC and I just got more grief from Midas. I wasn't the only one.

I have been getting emails for about two years about what is happening with Midas and it seems they are even worse now. We used to make money and we were all friends and now there are not many left. Most sell up and run for whatever they can get. I still keep in touch with a lot of old franchisees. If they were not pushed out one way, it was another. Now they say you can't even make a living owning a Midas.

Midas America were good. What happened??

There are a lot of people that don't say anything so they seem to get what they deserve.


Company: Midas Australia
Country: Australia
State: Other
City: Melbourne
Address: St Kilda Road Melbourne
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Midas Australia
Franchise Abuse, ripoff it has become an avalanche of personal disasters for franchisees and their families. Churning

Midas Australia
The Victims Fall and the Saga Continues, Victoria

Midas Australia
Philip Bonney - Chris Pappas If I Had Known I Would Never Have Bought A Midas, I Will Lose Everything, My Fault? Ripoff Victoria

Midas Australia

Midas Australasia
Midas ripoff

Australian Competition & Consumer Commission, Midas Australia
Australian Competition & Consumer Commission Midas Australia Australian Government Regulator for the Little People, a tax payer Rip Off and refuses to act unless they get Paid

Midas Australia
Franchising Fraud ripoff Victoria

Midas Australia
Treats franchisees like dirt

Google midas
Why I charged $ 44.94

Ripped me off and wrecked my motor