Unauthorised payments

Beauty & Appearance

Yes, I was defrauded as well. Gave my credit card details for delivery, and now have over $70 worth of payments on my account which are unauthorised by me. I have received nothing from them either. I wish there was something someone could do. I am writing to Asic and consumer affairs. Am also directing this information to A Current Affair tv show, in the hope that they can be embarassed in to stopping their fraud.

Company: Puralift
Country: Australia
State: Victoria
City: Melbourne Metro Area
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Tradesmart Technologies. & D11 Enterprises PTY Ltd. Robert Anderson
Fraudently use of a document to action transactions not authorised, therefore breaching banking regulations and credit act. Queensland 4064

Flippa Robs Our Money

Payments Pty Ltd Donvale AUAU
This company charged me $49.99 and $39.95, doubling two purchases, one through SECUREPAY and one through CLKBANK DONVALE

Freelotto and Elite Express Courier Services

David Bromley
Proposed job offer mailed out checks, checks were declined 113 Pirie South

Australian Vanlines
Refused to help us out in any way

Acai Burn
Unauthorised credit card transacionts, not recieving product, no information on how to cancel

EWC Payments Pty Ltd
EWC Payments Pt, Scammed me big time. They took out one payment for $4.90 in June then $35.05 in July. Donvale

Woodside Group LLC. Mark Owen
WOODSIDELIVE WOODSIDELIVE Mark Owen Company promises to earn $300 per week working from home processing payments for a 10% return

Readers Digest
Service complaint on overpayment not refunded!