Nude by Nature
16 day free trial

Beauty & Appearance

I rang regarding a free 16 day trial of the Nude by Nature recently advertised on the Morning on a Saturday morning. I live in country NSW. The product was sent on the 23rd April and not signed for or received until 2nd May, the free so call trial expired on 3rd May.
As far as I am cocnerned this is false and misleading advertising as I was informed that I would get 16 dasy from when I received this product. On using it for 3 days I have had an allergic reaction to it and have tried to call over the last couple of days to get a return number to return the product all to no avail, then yesturday they have helped themselves to money on my credit card thus placing my credit card over its limit.
How could Channel 7 justify a connection with this company and the breach of fair trading acts that are in place by allowing this company to mislead people by saying that they have 16 days FREE trail when they have only given me 1 day.
I will be putting in a complaint to the Dept of Fair Trading and plastering it over Facebook and any other avenue that can be used to gain a decent outcome and the valid return of the product and return of my funds and any other charges that have been passed onto me. Hopefully this is enough to get a result for everyone that has been affected.

Company: Nude by Nature
Country: Australia
State: New South Wales
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Nude by Nature
Ush kit sets (inferior goods)
Child pornography

Missed connections
Didn't get paid my commission / wages

Master Joe Sayah, Dandenong Traditional Wing Chung Kung Fu, Mornington Traditional Wing Chun Kung Fu
Joe Sayah, Dandenong Traditional Wing Chung Kung Fu, Mornington Traditional Wing Chun Kung Fu Overcharged, Injured and Left Unattended Victoria / ItemRate
They take your money and make you lose your account! Then say tough luck!

Sponsorship Australia

Acai Optimmum
Fraudulent charges and non- delivery

Health Science? / Acai Berry Detox
Unauthorised withdrawl from bank account

Nature berrry
Unjustified order after trial