Datesnow Pty Ltd
Ripoff! Fraudulently charged my Visa Check Card for something I did not buy. Brisbane Internet *EDitor's Suggestions on how to get your money back!


On Saturday, March 6 I received my monthly billing as usual for my checking account. There was a Visa purchase charge for $79.99 to Datesnow Pty Ltd. I have never heard of them nor purchased anything from them. I need resolution on this, as it's an obvious scam from some bogus outfit located in Brisbane, Australia. I am pursuing this matter with the Better Business Bureau as well.

College Grove, Tennessee

Company: Datesnow Pty Ltd
Country: Australia
State: Nationwide
  <     >  


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Datesnow Pty Ltd Brisbane AU
Datesnow Pty Ltd ripoff dishonest fraudulent billing reoccuring fraudulent billing no way to contact them Brisbane *EDitor's Suggestions on how to get your money back!

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X5 delivers damaged items, substitutes purchased items with other items and purposely advertises items incorrectly. NSW

Datesnow Pty Ltd
Fraudulent Credit Card Activity. Rip-off! Brisbane *EDitor's Suggestions on how to get your money back!

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