Pzest - Datesnow
Ripoff scam of escalating charges

Internet & Web

I signed up for one adult web-site and didn't realize that i was being signed up for another. Worse yet i didn't know how to cancel a subscription that i never authorized. I called my credit card company and they said "are you calling about datesnow?" I just about fell over when they said that. The customer service rep gave me their phone number which i promptly called.

The rep at datesnowsaid she was refunding all the charges and then sent me email confirmations. She said the refunds would appear in 5-10 business days. I will look for those. In the mean time if you've been scammed call 1 (800) 351-5654 and ask to be cancelled. It seems like it worked for me.

Company: Pzest - Datesnow
Country: Australia
Phone: 8003515654
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