Peter Lockyer
Ripoff software scam developer fraud liar Internet

Education & Science

Peter Lockyer Rears his head again.

This so called coder or software programmer portrays himself to the internet community as being some kind of knowledgable person regarding programming. I paid this individual a sum of $3000.00 Australian to develop an online web site.

After many excuses from the start on how the site was developing Lockyer decided to come up with a new excuse that he was hospitalised for over 4 weeks during Christmas with a collapsed lung, im still not sure whether this was true or not but at the end of the day i still didnt receive any thing for my money that i had paid and he has basically stated that he will not be providing anything.

I have a complete list of all conversations that were completed over Icq which will make interesting reading for proceedings against him. Beware of this person he goes under many assumed sites, update will be posted after proceedings.


Company: Peter Lockyer
Country: Australia
State: Victoria
City: Thomastown
Address: computer. consultant. online. biz
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