Ea games origin
Crashs compute

Computers & Services

Medal of honor is the game online suport is a joke they dont help or they just dont answer then you have run a dxdiag for them and copy and paste it you get no answer l have tryed to get there origin live help serval times and this is what you get
Please wait. An EA Expert will be with you soon.
All EA Experts are currently assisting others. Thanks for your patience. An EA Expert will be with you shortly.
All EA Experts are currently assisting others. Thanks for your patience. An EA Expert will be with you shortly.
All EA Experts are currently assisting others. Thanks for your patience. An EA Expert will be with you shortly.
All EA Experts are currently assisting others. Thanks for your patience. An EA Expert l feel as if l have been ripped off by this company and like my money back how many more people is this company going to rip off

Company: Ea games origin
Country: Australia
State: Queensland
City: Brisbane Metro Area
  <     >  


Mislead info on promotion

EA Games - SIMS
Inconsistent ratings

EA Games
Games brought at app store

Ds games
No Games

Uk-to-usa-gamesdirect on ebay
Wonce they sell you a game they refuse to back up the warenty


DRI Www.element Info
DRI - element Info International company... bank card charges show overseas origin. Possibly

Coles australia
Acial discrimination and rude staff

Swiss Replica Watches
Provided inferior goods

UK National Lottery / Air Freight Couriers
Scam lottery and freight service